
Shell Gadus S2 V100 2 / 3 ( High Performance Grease )

Rp. 111
Last Updated
05 Jul 2023
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Grease - Selling Shell Gadus S2 V100 2 packs Drum = 180KG or Pail = 18KG - PT. Multidaya Prima Lestari is an industrial oil distributor in Jakarta and also as a supplier to meet the needs of lubricating oil for all sectors of industry, automotive and marine.

Sell ​​Shell Gadus S2 V100 2 - Performance, Features & Benefits

Shell Gadus S2 V100 2 is a versatile lubricant based on a new lithium hydroxistearate soap thickener that is strengthened

with anti-oxidant additives, anti-wear and anti-rust.

1. Reliable high temperature performance Excellent performance up to + 1300C, resulting in a longer service life.

2. Good oxidation and mechanical stability Refuse the formation of deposits caused by oxidation at high operating temperatures. Fat Shell Gadus S2 V100 is very stable under vibration and does not provide LEAKAGE even on pads loaded with repeated shock.

3. Good corrosion resistance characteristics Effective protection in a hostile environment.

4. Long storage period Does not change consistency during long storage

Sell ​​Shell Gadus S2 V100 2 - PT. Multidaya Prima Lestari is an Industrial Oil Distributor that also serves as a Shell oil supplier in Jakarta, industrial lubricants for the SHELL trademark and several other brands such as EXXON MOBIL, CASTROL, TOTAL, AGIP ENI, GULF, BP, PERTAMINA, WOLF GREASE ROCOL, CPI, XAERUS , FYRQUEL, VALVOLINE, KUNLUN, for the needs of industrial oil lubricants both pail or drum packaging from Shell lubricants we are ready to support the procurement of goods and quality assurance for these brands to various regions in INDONESIA. Especially for the JABODETABEK region we will send it automatically. In addition to selling Shell Gadus S2 V100 2 we also sell various types of lubricants by machine category and applications including: Selling Diesel Engine Oil, Selling Oli Transmission, Selling Oli Gardan / Gear, Jual Kompresor Oil, Jual Oli Hidrolik, Sell Circulating & Bearing Oil, Jual Heat Transfer oil, Sell Slideway Oli, Sell Turbine Oil, Sell Transformer Oil, Sell Working Metal Oil, Sell Synthetic Oil, Corrosion Preventive, Wire Rope, Specialties Sell Food Grade Oil.

Product Description:

1. Pail @ 18 KG & Drum @ 180 KG

2. We Include Goods Authenticity Letter: COA & MSDS

3. Prices listed are very flexible (according to the quantity needed)

4. Delivery fee for JABODETABEK area

5. Payments can be made at the place after the goods arrive and are delivered by our driver. (Purchase Order)

For Product and Order Info Contact: Sell Shell Gadus S2 V100 2, Sell Shell Gadus S2 V100 3

PhoneOfiice: [0] [2] [1] - [2] [2] [2] [7] [3] [5] [0] [8]

Phone / WA: [6] [2] [8] [1] [1] [1] [5] [0] [9] [7] [9] [0]

Email: info @multidayaprima.com | pt.multidayaprimalestari @gmail.com

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shell gadus s2 v100.pdf



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