Grease - Sell Total Altis SH 2 (High Temperature & Speed Synthetic Polyurea Grease) Drum & Pail Packaging, Specifications of Total Altis SH 2 - PT. Multidaya Prima Lestari is an industrial oil distributor and supplier of Total oil in Jakarta can meet the needs of various types of lubricants.
Sell Total Altis SH 2 - Perfromance, Features & Benefits:
1. ALTIS SH 2 is the top of various synthetic greases that are designed to be filled by the factory and sealed for the lifetime of the application.
2. Also suitable for lubrication of bearings, slides, high temperature-charged shelves in dry and somewhat humid environments, electric motor bearings, generators, drying pads,
pumps, oven conveyors, and all other applications where rotation and temperature are high and / or low.
3. Always avoid fat contamination with dust and / or dirt when applying. It is preferred to use a pneumatic pump or cartridge system.
Selling Total Altis SH 2 - Multidaya Prima Lestari is a Distributor of Industrial Oil which also serves as a supplier of Total oil in Jakarta, industrial lubricants for Total trademarks and several other brands such as EXXON MOBIL, CASTROL, SHELL, AGIP ENI, GULF, BP, PERTAMINA, WOLF GREASE ROCOL, CPI, XAERUS, FYRQUEL, VALVOLINE, KUNLUN, for lubricating industrial oil both pail or drum packaging from Total lubricants we are ready to support in the procurement of goods and quality assurance for these brands to various regions in INDONESIA. Specifically for the JABODETABEK region, we will send it automatically. In addition to Selling Total Altis SH 2 we also sell various types of lubricants based on engine categories and applications including Selling Diesel Engine Oil, Selling Transmission Oil, Selling Gardan Oil / Gear, Selling Compressor Oil, Selling Hydraulic Oil, Selling Circulating Oil & Bearing, Selling Heat Oil Transfer, Selling Slideway Oil, Selling Turbine Oil, Selling Transformer Oil, Selling Metal Working Oil, Selling Synthetic Oil, Preventive Corrosion, Wire Rope, Specialties Selling Food Grade Oil.
Product Description:
1. Pail Packaging @ 16 KG & Drum @ 180 KG
2. We Include Certificate of Authenticity: COA & MSDS
3. The listed price is very flexible (according to quantity requirements)
4. Shipping cost for JABODETABEK area
5. Payment can be made at the place after the goods arrived and delivered by our driver. (Purchase Order)
For Product Info and Reservations Contact: Sell Total Altis SH 2
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Email: info | pt.multidayaprimalestari@